Waiting for the Barbarian

From the ancient time to the present century
women’s position in the society is not equal to man. They are discriminated and
considered ‘other’. Writers paint the picture of the women ‘According to this
so called society’. If we talked about African women they are double
marginalized one as she is ‘African or Black’ & other as ‘she is the
women’. Here we are concern with the representation of women in J.M.Coetzee’s
novel ‘waiting for the Barbarians’.
It is an allegorical novel. so let’s
discuss how Coetzee has represented the
women in waiting for the barbarians.
The girl
is left an Orphan and Magistrate wants to take care of her as an act of
redemption for his town‘s cruelty. From this we can
say that magistrate was guilt and sympathies with her because they have done to Barbarians.

say that magistrate was guilt and sympathies with her because they have done to Barbarians.
wants to shield and nurse her. But maybe we can say that magistrate wants to
dominate her. Here in the above picture how her body is objectified by
magistrate. Magistrate used her by tending her wounds, washing her broken fact
legs. Rubbing her body with almost oil. But Barbarian girl does not want help
from him through he helps from him through he helps her. It is kind of torture
because without her permission he was doing.
If we talked about society women is deprived
of gaze, deprived of subjectivity. Here in this novel Barbarian girl is
subaltern. Because she was silent. She does not speak anything. May be we can
say that she was not silent but voice was not given to her. Without speaking
she was tolerate the torture of the magistrate. So we can say she was strong
and capable to faced the situation. The barbarian girl’s lack of communication
is more significant in the novel.
The girl yield silently, but the
Magistrate’s mind is disarranged by the brutality of the third Bureau does not
simply take her.
Relation between Barbarian Girl &
Magistrate takes the Barbarian girl under his wing and brings
her back to the quarter. There, though sleep besides eachother and Magistrate
messages her and caresses her. Relationship between them hardly becomes more
physical. Magistrate gives her job in the kitchen.
The relationship between
Magistrate and the Barberian girl ‘becomes a metaphor for the Relationship
‘Colonized &

The Magistrate
himself is conscious of the dubious motives of his acts of charity towards the
However he cannot let go of
her. Unlike the symbolism of the initial act of kneeling on the girl’s side end
of the act of offering money to her. It clearly suggests that their
relationship is not as ‘Master & Slave’ but as a more dynamic and more
ambiguous. Magistrate eager to learn her, encounters her eyes. But her eyes
merely reflect him back. The Blackness of her gaze would suggest precisely the
opposite namely that
‘She does not care if she is watched
She lives in her own closed world’
Thus from
these we can say that she does not care about others. She lives in her own
world. The Barbarian girl seems to be a simple, one dimensional character. But
here in this novel her simplicity is not so much an indication of the childlike
nature of the barbarians. It is comment on the unnatural and self complexity of
civilized man.
The Barbarian
girl is just like an alien in the world of empire, ‘Stranger’ from ‘so remote a
kingdom that no one can understand her. The character of the Barbarian girl is
presented in ironical way. She is confused and infuriates the congenitally
disingenuous affairs of the states. Her nature is mixture, she is complicated
yet resilient women who somehow retain her integrity in spite of being uprooted
from her culture and severely abused.
When Magistrate
wants to know about her. She resists both the tortures and magistrate efforts
to know her ‘secret’. Perhaps she has no secret. She is simply what she appears
tobe. Barbarian girl is not only colonized by empire but she also colonized by
Magistrate because he uses her as an object.
So, we can say that Barbarian girl was colonized by empire & than by
Magistrate. Thus, we can say women always become object of men’s pleasure. Even
if magistrate sympathies with her. There is a reason behind that he was guilt
that’s why he was showing sympathy towards her. Barbarian girl fulfills the
role of ‘Colonized Women’.
Magistrate tries to understand her but say anything. It also shows that
she cannot able to raise voice against injustice. Just like other women she
becomes the victim of male dominant society. There are lots of things which she
hides behind her silence.
Magistrate wears dressed of women. It is very symbolical because he has done
injustice to the servants of the empire. The servants gave him punishment. It
is also shows that become woman are one kind of ‘punishment’.
Thus here in this novel
Barbarian girl represented as colonized and objectified by the Man. It is shows
that women are inferior to Men. By this way Coetzee has presented African
society. She is Slave inferior &
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!
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