To Evaluate My presentation
of India in
‘The White Tiger’ & ‘one night @ call center’
Arvinda Adiga is the author of the novel “The White Tiger’’ & Chetan Bhagat is the author of the novel One Night @ call centre. First of all brief introduction about both novels.
It was
first published in the year 2008.
It won man booker prize in 2008.
It is about journey of ‘Balram Halwai’
It was first published in 2005.
This novel focuses on group of six employers.
They are working in the call centre.
Both the novel is written by Indian author & both are part of popular literature. One of the aims of literature is
‘Literature should hold mirror up to the nature means true to life’
Both the novels are true
to life. Both the novels are
‘Reflection of India’
Nation is
narrated in both the novels but their portrayal is different from each other.
So let’s have look upon how nation is reflected in both the novels. At first we
are concern with the Adiga’s The white Tiger & afterward Chetan Bhagat’s
During ancient
time India is considered as
‘sone ki chidiya’.
Mark Twain
rightly says
‘India is the cradle of the human
race, the birth place of human speech, mother his of tradition .our most
valuable & most constructive materials in the history of man are treasured
up in India only’’
He was talking about what was
an India & Arvind Adiga present in the novel what is present
condition of India. Balram Halwai is the protagonist of the Novel ‘The White
Tiger’ The novel is woven around the life the protagonist
writes letter to chiness prime minister. Balram tells the real condition of
India. The letter is written from the desk of ‘The White Tiger’. A thinking man
and an entrepreneur. Minister wants to know the truth about India.
If anyone knows truth about (Bangalore) India. It’s me.
Balram speaks this sentence. This line
suggests that he has experienced the truth of India. In his letter he
deconstructs the image of ‘shinning India’. Balram introduce himself as an
entrepreneur ‘How the son of reshow puller, escaped a life of servitude to
become a successful businessman. He is smart child but he is forced to leave
school in order help pay for his cousin-sister’s dowry and begins to work in a
tea shop with his brother in dhanbad. It is the reality of Indian children’s.
poor child does not get education because of money or sometimes they have to
take care about their younger sister and brother. Educational institutes are
considered as a sacred place but it is also corrupted. Government provides meal
to students. But a school teacher has stolen the money. Sometimes student
become ill because of that meal. Uniforms of the students are sold in the
neighboring village. Balram himself says
the Indian village paradise,
School is
paradise within a paradise’
Teachers are responsible for that. They have stolen the money of students because government hadn’t pay money to them. Thus we can say that from the childhood balram was surrounded by corruption & politics.
Balram and his
brother have to work in a tea shop he learns about India’s government &
economy from the conversation of the costumers. After this Balram moved to New
Delhi with his pinky madam & Ashok. Villagers like to live life styles of
cities. Same thing happen with Balram halwai.
He adopts the life style of his master. He starts drinking and going to red
areas. This is how villagers are egger to live the city life. From this his journey of darkness of village
to light of city started. Balram had only one dream to driver Honda city but
senior driver Ram Prasad was the driver of the Honda city. When landlord came
to know that Ram Prasad who was living there as a Hindu, actually he was
Muslim. Ram Prasad was exposed and ran away to Dhanbad. This shows religious
difference in India.
‘ Vididhta
Ma Akta’
This is kind of hypocrisy
that Indians respect all the religion. But Adiga has shown reality of India
that there are religious difference still prevailed in India. If we talked about
ashok, Balram’s master hired a bungalow in the posh area of Gurgaon. He did his job by manipulating things bribing
leaders, policeman and politicians.
Balram learns from his master and he also manipulates while doing job.
He comes to know every loop-hole of the corruption. He himself says that…………
I was
corrupted from a sweet innocent village fool in to citified fellow full of
debauchery depravity, and weakness. All these changes happened because they
happened in me, first in Mr.Ashok.
He returned from America an innocent man, but
life in Delhi corrupted him and once the master of Honda city becomes corrupted
how can the driver stay innocent?
Above line proves that
environment of India corrupts people. Ashok corrupted by Delhi city because he
learned the tricks how to take work from political leaders, ministers, brokers,
police & judge etc. Corruption is like web. Once pinky madam smashes a
child while, she is heavily drunk. Balram compelled to take the blame on himself.
But there is nexus with the police and judges and the case is solved. Thus we
can say that the novel exposes the corruption. After this incident Balram
becomes puzzled. He wonders here and there. He goes to paharganj, not far from
the imperial Hotel. Here he see another side of India.
India of Darkness
Here he sees life of the people lying on the
floor of the station, dogs were sniffing at the garbage and then he thinks
about his destination without the job of the driver.

Balram describes that…………
Delhi is the capital of not one but two
countries two Indians. The ‘Light’ & ‘Darkness’ both flow in to Delhi.
Gurgaon, Here Mr. Ashok lived in the end of the city & on the other hand
old Delhi.

There are lots of things that modern world forget all about
rickshaws, old stone, Building and muslims.
On the time of election
Netas said that they will think about poor people but reality is that all those
are fake promises. For example ‘Acche Din Aayege’
‘Acche Din’ for poor people never comes. All
those promises are only for votes.
In few days Balram learns
so many things about Delhi & suffering of the people. Balram killed his
master Ashok to live lavish life like him. The undercurrent of this simple
story of murder is suffering of Balram. He curses his poverty and lack of
‘Why had my father raised me to live life
like an animal?’
Thus at last we can say that Adiga tried to show us real picture of
india. Arvind Adiga says that he is the writer of ‘Aam Admin’. India is
developing but Bharata needs changes. In India richer become more ricther and
poor become poorer. With the help of the story of Balram. Writer shows two
picture of poor Indian or we can say ‘Half Baked Indian’
Criminals are not Born they are made by society.
Society is responsible for
because circumstance of the innocent people make them criminals.
Representation of India in
As we all know that Chetan Bhagat is the
writer of ‘One Night @ call centre’. Whereas Adiga of shows harsh reality poor
people. Chetan Bhagat shows condition of youth in his novel. The novel is woven
around six people. They are working at the call centre. A problem that they
have faced is presented by chetan Bhagat in the novel.
Shyam, Priyanka, varun,
Radhika, Isha & watchman uncle. Tehey all are working in the call centre.
They all are suffering from one or another problem of life. Themes like
involves anxieties and insecurities of the rising Indian middle class including
questions about career inadequacy, marriage, family conflicts in changing India
& the relationship of young middle class to both executive and ordinary
clients whom they serve in the united states.
People who is working
in the call centre they have to change their name according to Americans. They
have to speak in American accent. Sir members are working at the connexions
call centre in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. As I above mention they have to work
according to American. Lives of the people are horrible. All six people have
their own problems. This six people are representative of Indians who have
suffered from that problem that they are suffering.
He is the protagonist of the novel. Who
almost lost his love, thwarted ambitions; there is no affection from the
family, pressure of patriarchal setup and work environment in globalized
office. He was the victim of Bakshi’s plan.
Priyanka is money
minded girl. She is planning to arrange marriage with another man who is NRI.
Her mother’s desire that her daughter should be marry with rich and NRI person.
Priyanka raises question that I don’t know him very well so how can I marry
with him without knowing him. Here she is representative of all the women who
becomes victim of this kind of mentality of their family members.
She is
an unhappy married woman. Her mother in law is very demanding. Her husband has
an affair with some other women.
She wants to be a model. She fights against
all the difficulties of life. But she was used by man. This is the example of
city life. She runs away from home to fulfill her dream.
He is shyam’s friend. He hates the call centre and American
employers. But he has to compromise for
a simple reason that he has to keep up his standard of living.
Who wants to talk with his grandson. But he
was living in foreign country.
Who is boos of the call centre. He is cruel
so all the members hates him.
So, here we can say that
all the characters suffer in their lives. All these kinds of problem can be we
can see in our real life. The world of the call centre is represents modern
phenomena. Thus we can say that chetan Bhagat tries to give us picture of
modern society of India. Where modern employers are exploit by Americans.
By concluding we can say that both the novels
are representation of India. As there is saying ‘Literature is mirror of the
society’. Both these novels are reflection of Indian society. According to me Adiga’s picture of India is
more realistic than chetan Bhagat’s One Night @ call centre.
Thank You!!!!!!!
Works Cited
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