Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Relation Between Colonized & colonized

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Relation between Colonized and Colonizer

considering post is a prefix meaning after. So first we have to discuss relation between Colonized and colonizer during colonialism. During colonial power. One country who is economically reach is controls over another country. They are exploited and humiliated. So their relation is considered as

                        Master-Slave Relationship” 

This kind of relation find between Negro people and white people.

Definition of colonized and colonizer

 is someone who helps to find a colony.
Colonizer is consider as master.
White man is colonizer.

Inhabited by colonies.
Colonized is consider as slave.
                          So, colonialism refers to the process of colonization, to the idea of empire, to the encounter between two culture colonized and colonizer. During colonialism black people are humiliated and exploited by colonizer. So, in reaction of this colonialism. Writers writes literature and it known as
        Post colonialism
                             Postcolonial critics and theorist should consider the full implications of restricting. The meaning of the term
            “ after-colonialism or after independence’’
Post colonialism is an outcome of unequal treatment of indigenous people in settler. All this testify to the fact that post cololonialism because of it’s oppositional nature.
                    postcolonial literature focuses on
                  “Race relations & effect of racism”
Basic thing about post colonialism is deconstruction of old-Fashioned perceptions and attitudes of 
Power and oppression
 For centuries the colonial suppressor imposed his civilized vales on the native. So decolonization is a process of change, an attempt to regain and lose power. In which natives had to learn how to pt independence in to practice and colonial power had to accept loss of power over foreign countries.
                 Here are some of the examples of post-colonial text.post-colonial writers challenged
                      ‘white people are better’
Relation of colonizer & colonized in Edwaed Said’s Orientalism

                     Edward Said is very prominant writer of post-colonialism. He was grew up in Egypt and Palestine, but his entire education was western. His book Orientalism offers insight about colonialism from the perspective of one who has been colonized. Basic idea of this book is
                   “East is constructed by west”
Orient is refers to Aarbs and Islam
Occident is refers to west or European country
                         Orientalism means constellation of false assumption that western attitudes have towards the middle East, A central idea of Orientalism is that Western knowledge of east is not generated from reality, but from preconceive notions. Edward follows the idea of Michel Foucault emphasized on relationship between “power & knowledge in scholarly and popular thinking, European views of the Islamic, Aarab world. According to some critics with the start of colonialism the European come in contact with the lesser developed countries of the East. In which Edward said argued that Europeans divided the world in to two parts.
European used Orientalism to define themselves. Some particular attributes were associated with the orentals weren’t the occident were.
v Civilized
v Superior
v They have created certain image about orientals
v According to them ‘it was their duty towards the world to civilize the uncivilized.
v Uncivilized
v Inferior
v Their identity was constructed by West.
                    To civilize them westerner had to colonize and rule the orients. One of the most important use of Orientalism to the European was that they defined themselves by defining the Orientals. They generalize the culture of the orients.
                  Orientals are considered as lazy, irrational, and uncivilized and savages. So, automatically the Europeans became active, rational, civilized and sophisticated. so this kind of relationship between colonized and colonizer in Edward Said’s Orientalism.
                            Another example is Frantz Fanon’s

                Black skin White Mask
This book is about Psychology of the Black or colonized people under the influence of colonialism. It is focuses on racial discrimination.
Black Man & Language
                    Language is constructed by man so obviously it is connected with the power of colonizer. He gives an example of French colonizer. Black people in Martinique had to speak French language because it is language of power. Black people believed that white man’s language gives them equality. But if they speak French language perfect French does not considered superior. They are treated as Black people.
For e.g We are speaking English language we are not considered as English man.

Relation of colonized and Colonizer is connected with color of skin.

Black skin is associated with inferiority complex. white skin is associated with superiority complex. Black people are colonized and white people are colonizer. Black people have desire for white skin because they want to be equal. Because of their desire for white skin they loses their own culture, language & their identity also.
                  Thus, by concluding we can say that both the book is about power & relationship of colonized and colonizer.
Thank You!!!!!!!!! 

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