Prepared by:- krupali K Lewade
M.A Sem-2
Roll no :- 12
Paper No :-8
Subject :- cultural studies
Submitted to -
Maharaja krishnakumarsinhji
Topic of Assignment :
What is
cultural studies?
How it apply in hamlet & Frankenstein
Guided by: Dr. Dilip Barad
Submitted to :Dr. Dilip Barad
What is
cultural studies? And How it apply in Hamlet and Frankenstein
After so many years ago the “cultural
studies” has developed diverse and lively international intellectual field. The
institutional success of cultural studies is demonstrate by a number of major
international journals, global and national associations, increasing numbers of
international conference, academic programmers, publishers’ catalogues
advertising new and essential publication in the field. So we can say that
cultural studies affects each and every field. Before take it to consideration
what is cultural studies it is necessary to know about. Dictionary cultural
means “relating to the cultural of society”, “relating to the arts and intellectual”.
It’s not proper definition of
cultural because cultural can’t define because it is related to our way of
living. What we do every it becomes cultural or civilization. It includes
So, we can say that “ journey of man from cave man to present day”. The
cultural becomes kind of chain its depend upon Majority and Minority. Cultural
and civilization control and constructed by someone. What Majority of the
people does that becomes culture and others are in minority. Now I am going to

we can say that every thing is include in cultural study (image)
cultural means now in cultural studies:
· ‘culture’ is the mode of generating meaning
and ideas.
· This ‘mode’ is a negotiation over which
meanings are valid.
· Meanings are governed by the power relation.
· Elite culture controls meanings because it
control the terms of the debate.
· None-elite culture views on life and art
rejected as ‘tasteless’, ’useless’ or even stupid by the elite.
· What this implies is that certain components
of culture get more visibility and significance.
Why cultural studies in literature:-
Cultural studies is not part of literature but it is
kind of an approach to look literature.
It gives method to read literature. As a field of study cultural studies has
had important effect on literature. It has challenged the idea of canonical
literature it means it question on Christian church and beliefs. It has a
sought of theorized the role of literature in society in new ways, and to look
at literary texts in relation to cultural history and other cultural text, forms, and practice.
Cultural studies is
Deconstructive Approach because the cultural is studied in literature and
studies are always critical. so we can say that cultural studies not only
appreciate literature but also criticize literary text.
So, now let’s have look upon How cultural studies apply in Shakespeare’s
play hamlet.
Cultural study of “Hamlet”:-
The history of England itself affect by the power. The era of Elizabeth
is well-known witness of power, especially the fight of second Earl of Essex,
whose attempt at rebellion led to this own, execution. Merry queen’s execution
who had been imprisoned by Elizabeth for years before Elizabeth signed death
warrant. With this history we can say understand that how long it had been
going on and why Shakespeare’s work shows power conflict.
Power plays vital role in cultural studies.
There is connection between power and cultural. All aspects of society and
cultural are related to and embedded in power relation. Cultural studies is
controversial term because it speak against power. The person who has power he
is in center and other are marginalized character. It is not matter a person
really deserve or not.
Ø Hamlet was the son of late king hamlet and
belonged to royal family.
Ø They both were not at the centre because they
were not having any inheritance like hamlet. They were educated and
Hamlet has many lacks though he is Hero :
He has lack of determination he miss the chance to Claudius while he is
praying. He thinks that if he kills Claudius his soul directly goes to heaven.
He unknowingly kills Polonius.
He does so without knowing the identity of his victim. He should have repented
after killing innocent Polonius. But he should not guilty that he killed the
father of the whom he has loved truly but he does not think so and goes on. He
was not a man of action. Such a primitive hero was not likely to be of interest
to Shakespeare when he was at the height of creative powers.
Hamlet has capacity for bitter and cynical
wit. When hamlet is asked what he has done with the dead body of Polonius. He
replies that “ compounded it with dust.
So, we can say that he has many lacks but he is hero of the play because
he has power. The word “Prince of Denmark” shows that he has a authority that’s
why he is central figure of the play.
On the other side Rosencrantz and Guildenstern fellow student from
wittenloery. They are intelligent, educated with proper understanding.
Rosencrantz’s speech shows his excellence and mastery over language.
This passage is thoughtful and
praiseworthy. This is one of the example of excellence of marginalized
character. So we can say that hamlet belongs to royal and wealthy family he has
been put in to category of a moral hero.
Question arises that how many of us notice this lines. This lines should
have been considered as the best known line of the play, but they have been
ignored because it was spoken by marginalized character or in the other word it
was spoken by the person who has not power.
Hamlet’s soliloquy of conscience his futile efforts to pray to God have
been considered the best well known as compared to Rosencrantz speech.
If ever we wished to study two
character who are marginalized, then let us look upon Rosencrantz and
The meaning of their names hardly
match what seems to be the essence of their character. According to Murry
J.Levith, has written that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are from the
Dutch-German: literally ‘garland of roses’ and ‘golden star’. Their names gives
them position and meaning lightness.
But it is not fit social level and their personalities. It is important
to know and have a look on what they do and what is done to them.
Both were student at Denmark, because they
were requested by Claudius. They try to dry from Hamlet and his inner thoughts
what he has been thinking and wanting for days since his fathers death
especially his ambitions and frustration about the crown.
Hamlet can be heartless when
occasion demands it. When Horatio remarks that Guildenstern and Rosencrantz
have gone to their death, hamlet feels not the least regret in having sent them
to their death, but says
“ They are not near my conscious”. Hamlet is
responsible for death of both.but no one consider as a murderer.
They are victim:
First they are called and requested by Claudius to know about hamlet.
Both are used by Claudius. Second they were send to their deaths by Hamlet so
they used by Hamlet.
So at last we can say that power
plays vital role in once life. Claudius was aware of power. So we can say that
one can gain a further insight into the play and indeed in shakespeare’s
Next we are discussing how cultural studies apply in frankenstein .
Study of Frankenstein:
Marry shelly’s creation teaches
us never underestimate the power of is powerful novel but without
sound understanding of the context, in which the text was written one. With the
help of scientific and philosophical context we understand.
The creation was made of human
parts. It was in essence human can on judge this as monstrous. Electricity was
another creation of the time. Victor can be seen as the God who created all
human being but some human did not under control of him so god departed them
and they had become satan. Victor Frankenstein has made with the monster and
than he wants to become emperor of world. Victor frankenstein can be seen as
the modern Prometheus. again, with greater knowledge of the context the context
the “spark of being” is further clarify yield. Electricity symbolize the modern
heave fire. The individual and his quest can be interpreted as frankenstein or
the creatures whose journey to achieve revenge.
The historical context regard frankenstein is interpreted as allegorical
of the industrial revolution
Revolutionary births: born like its creator
in an age of revolution, frankenstein challenged accepted idea of the day. As
it is co-modified by modern consumer culture, one wonders whether its original
revolutionary spirit and its critique of scientific, philosophical and gender
issues have become obscured instead its continuing transformation.
Race devils : frankenstein may be analyzed in
its portrayal of different “races” though the creature’s skin is only described
as a yellow, it has been constructed out of cultural tradition of threatening
“other” or negro.
The philosophy to cyber : today in the age
of genetic engineering biotechnology and
cooling, most far away reaching industrialization of life forms to date. Frankenstein is more relevant than ever.
Frankenstein, Shelly attended public demonstration of the effect of electricity
on animal and human bodies, living and dead.
The monster: victor did intense research in
trying to create his new life form. He even visited cemeteries late at night to
gather body parts to aid in the construction of his creation.
This is the point at which marry begins to portray victor in a
stereotypical manner. She plays off the notion that scientists were not only
loners, but also mad and unstable in the mind. She delves into victor’s
obsessive and compulsive nature to complete his work at any cost.
By concluding we can say that in cultural context hegemony of power play
an important role and in Frankenstein popular cultural prominent.
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