Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Relation Between Colonized & colonized

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Relation between Colonized and Colonizer

considering post is a prefix meaning after. So first we have to discuss relation between Colonized and colonizer during colonialism. During colonial power. One country who is economically reach is controls over another country. They are exploited and humiliated. So their relation is considered as

                        Master-Slave Relationship” 

This kind of relation find between Negro people and white people.

Definition of colonized and colonizer

 is someone who helps to find a colony.
Colonizer is consider as master.
White man is colonizer.

Inhabited by colonies.
Colonized is consider as slave.
                          So, colonialism refers to the process of colonization, to the idea of empire, to the encounter between two culture colonized and colonizer. During colonialism black people are humiliated and exploited by colonizer. So, in reaction of this colonialism. Writers writes literature and it known as
        Post colonialism
                             Postcolonial critics and theorist should consider the full implications of restricting. The meaning of the term
            “ after-colonialism or after independence’’
Post colonialism is an outcome of unequal treatment of indigenous people in settler. All this testify to the fact that post cololonialism because of it’s oppositional nature.
                    postcolonial literature focuses on
                  “Race relations & effect of racism”
Basic thing about post colonialism is deconstruction of old-Fashioned perceptions and attitudes of 
Power and oppression
 For centuries the colonial suppressor imposed his civilized vales on the native. So decolonization is a process of change, an attempt to regain and lose power. In which natives had to learn how to pt independence in to practice and colonial power had to accept loss of power over foreign countries.
                 Here are some of the examples of post-colonial text.post-colonial writers challenged
                      ‘white people are better’
Relation of colonizer & colonized in Edwaed Said’s Orientalism

                     Edward Said is very prominant writer of post-colonialism. He was grew up in Egypt and Palestine, but his entire education was western. His book Orientalism offers insight about colonialism from the perspective of one who has been colonized. Basic idea of this book is
                   “East is constructed by west”
Orient is refers to Aarbs and Islam
Occident is refers to west or European country
                         Orientalism means constellation of false assumption that western attitudes have towards the middle East, A central idea of Orientalism is that Western knowledge of east is not generated from reality, but from preconceive notions. Edward follows the idea of Michel Foucault emphasized on relationship between “power & knowledge in scholarly and popular thinking, European views of the Islamic, Aarab world. According to some critics with the start of colonialism the European come in contact with the lesser developed countries of the East. In which Edward said argued that Europeans divided the world in to two parts.
European used Orientalism to define themselves. Some particular attributes were associated with the orentals weren’t the occident were.
v Civilized
v Superior
v They have created certain image about orientals
v According to them ‘it was their duty towards the world to civilize the uncivilized.
v Uncivilized
v Inferior
v Their identity was constructed by West.
                    To civilize them westerner had to colonize and rule the orients. One of the most important use of Orientalism to the European was that they defined themselves by defining the Orientals. They generalize the culture of the orients.
                  Orientals are considered as lazy, irrational, and uncivilized and savages. So, automatically the Europeans became active, rational, civilized and sophisticated. so this kind of relationship between colonized and colonizer in Edward Said’s Orientalism.
                            Another example is Frantz Fanon’s

                Black skin White Mask
This book is about Psychology of the Black or colonized people under the influence of colonialism. It is focuses on racial discrimination.
Black Man & Language
                    Language is constructed by man so obviously it is connected with the power of colonizer. He gives an example of French colonizer. Black people in Martinique had to speak French language because it is language of power. Black people believed that white man’s language gives them equality. But if they speak French language perfect French does not considered superior. They are treated as Black people.
For e.g We are speaking English language we are not considered as English man.

Relation of colonized and Colonizer is connected with color of skin.

Black skin is associated with inferiority complex. white skin is associated with superiority complex. Black people are colonized and white people are colonizer. Black people have desire for white skin because they want to be equal. Because of their desire for white skin they loses their own culture, language & their identity also.
                  Thus, by concluding we can say that both the book is about power & relationship of colonized and colonizer.
Thank You!!!!!!!!! 

Theme of Nothingness in Waiting For Godaot

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Theme Of Nothingness In waiting for Godot

          In this play nothingness creates everythingSamuel Backett is writer of the play
                    “Waiting for Godot”.Major theme of the play is
                         Here we are concern with Theme of Nothingness in the play. So, let’s have look upon how Nothingness creates everything in the play.
         “Root of our being there is nothingness”
This line is from Jean-Paul Satre’s 
              “Being and Nothingness”. Everything is vain. Even our life is absurd. Samuel Backett was also inspired by existentialist philosophy of Albert Camus & Satre. In this play waiting for Godot, he assert
             ‘Nothingness is at the root of our existence, especially in the life of the modern people’.
           Nothingness is at the root of our Existence, especially in the life of the modern people.
 In this play nothingness creates everything. The entire play, structure, action, form and content enriching  sense of nothingness creates everything that modern people face after the world war mental & physical condition of the people.
      "In this play nothingness creates everything."
Nothingness is at the root of our Existence, especially in the life of the modern people.

 In this play nothingness creates everything. The entire play, structure, action, form and content enriching  sense of nothingness creates everything that modern people face after the world war mental & physical condition of the people.
Nothingness in 20th centuryLiterature is reflection of the society. So in order to understand nothingness in this play it is important to know history of 20th century. The early 20th century witnessed two world wars & of two literary styles.   Modernism & post-modernism.
                    Absurd drama is reflection of 20th century. Theater of absurd describe mood, a tone of life, where Man’s existence is a
'Dilemma of nothingness, purposeless and   meaningless.'
It is influence of the age that creates absurdity, meaningless and nothingness in the play. So we can that all literary activities were predetermined by sense of nothingness.
Nothingness in setting of the play 

             Setting of the play influenced by a mode of nothingness.it symbolize barren and fruitfulness civilization.
                     ‘There is nothing to be done’
There is paradox in this play. Tree is symbol of fruitfulness but here it symbolize barren & lifeless. It is apparently dead and lifelessness. Setting of the play reminds us the post war condition in which we find uncertainties, despair and new challenges to come. This is the place where they believe that Godot has asked to come.
Nothingness in Plot of the play

                 Play opens with the two character are waiting  and  at the end of the play same thing happen. In between ‘nothing significant happens’
                ‘Nobody comes, nobody goes’
In this play one static situation waiting. On a country road, by a tree, two old tramp’s. Act one and act two both are precisely the same pattern, action of the characters is purposeless.
Nothingness represented by the character

              Vladimir and Estragon both represents nothingness in the play. Both tramps Didi & Gogo are waiting by a tree on a country road For Godot. Both argue with each other, they try to committee suicide but they are waiting.  They don’t know who is Godot.
Estragon - Let's go
Vladimir-   We can't
Estragon-   Why not?
Vladimi-     We are waiting for Godot
Estragon-     Oh!! Yeah
                  This dialogue spoke by both characters. They don’t know purpose of waiting. So, we can say that
                           ‘Waiting is vain’
                         ‘Nothing to be done’
This line is repeated in the play that shows meaninglessness of the play. If we talked about action & behavioral attitudes of the characters that reflects frustration, hesitation and psychological complexity of modern era.
                  When curtain opens characters are in vain activity he attempt to take off his boots. His repeated action symbolizes the meaninglessness of day to day life. Throughout the play many actions are meaningless that reflect nothingness of human world.
Absurdity in this Play  
                  Waiting for Godot is part of theater of absurd means without meaning. In this kind of play, no beginning, no middle and no end. In this play action, structure and attitude of the character has no meaning. Backett in this play presents that human beings are really purposeless. The idea of nothingness is reflect through Estragon & Vladimir. It shows reality of life, some time we know but can’t except it.
                        ‘ What is our purpose?’
                         ‘ What we do?’
The action and structure of the play is totally absurd.
                  ‘Life is absurd but
                                    It is necessary’
There is something in this nothingness and that is hope
                  ‘one day Mr.Godot will come’
So, we can say that the play is optimistic. There is no end of desire. So waiting for Godot gives us message through this absurdity.
               ‘ There is something behind nothing
  Vivian Mercier marked that just because
                          “Nothing happens” 
does not mean that the play is bad. This play had big impact on 20th century as well in life of modern people. The purpose of Backett is use
  “To hold mirror up to the society”-    Shakespeare
He tries to show us that we are also waiting for Godot may be that Godot is desire, God, Goal or something else.
                             ‘Sky has no limit’
Our desire has no limit. After archive one thing we are waiting or wishing for another. Hope for something good which make us alive something happen in this play both character are Waiting for Godot. They have hoped that Godot will come.
               Another thing is also notice able that both are waiting for Godot to fulfill their desire. It’s satire on human beings. Because human beings are waiting for others to fulfill their dream but here ‘waiting is primary activity for both tramp’s lives and it suggest nothing and meaningless.
               So, by concluding we can say that the nothingness plays vital role in the play. Nothingness is the center of the play.     

Robert Frost As A Nature Poet

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Robert Frost as a Nature Poet

                             "The voice of America"

Like wordsworth he wrote about incident and situation from common life.

Central themes  of his poem :

Men & women

Characteristic of Frost’s poems :

Clarity and simplicity

Universality and human life


Philosophy of frost

Note of Humor
Frost as nature poet

These are some of the characteristic of his poems. Here we are concerned with

                     "Frost as a Nature poet"
Nature figures prominently in frost’s poem. He was a farmer and poet. So, he was a always in company of nature. It is most important characteristic of his poem. He spent his life in rural area. So, most of the scene are inspiration from New England. He has written about rural landscape and wildlife. So we can not avoid the fact that he is a nature poet.

Relation between Men & Nature
           His poems are not about how nature works but it’s about human psychology. There is always kind of connection between Nature & men. Most of his poems have a New England and that setting deals with Man’s relation with nature. One misunderstood thing of frost’s poetry.
                 'I am not a nature poet

                      There is always a person first.'

                                          - Robert Frost 

                   He observes Natural beauty minutely. According to Isiodor Human psychology is always central in his poem. Rural scene & landscape, homely farmer and natural world are used to illustrate psychological struggle with every day experience of human being. Frost use nature as a background of his poem. 
                          His poems begin with observation of nature and then move towards connection of human situation. Nature doe not idealize that is the work man so may be a man first. Nature is separate and independent from men. 
                     A person has to maintain harmony with nature. We should follow ways of nature. Nature has ability to destroy but frost saw struggle of men with nature as heroic battle. For example ‘our hold on the planet’. Frost recognized harsh realities of nature. He accepts fact. We have evidence that he observes man’s existence in the natural world that he observe Schneider   
       “is to me the most wonderful thing in his poetry. A snowfall, a bending tree, spring, a valley mist, a brook these are brought in the experience of the reader”

           Frost considered as a countryside poet. All his poems are abound in lovely picture, and the readers find himself in delightful woods valleys and woods hills where he can here the blue joys screech and the whimper of hawk inside the sun; he come upon the purple- stream wild rosberry ,the sudden posture lane of late fall and the abandoned celler holes gradually being reclaiming by nature.

                  The picture of natural beauty gives symbolism through which reader can interpret. Here are some of the examples of his poem in which we find perfect picture of nature.The road not taken, Trees at my window,Two trumps in the mud time, stopping by woods.All this poem are about nature and it gives us accurate description of nature. Rural life is very much connected with the Nature. With the of this theme we can clearly say that frost was interested in Nature and everyday life. As I above mentioned that he was grown up in England that exposed him to particular way of life that seemed less complicated as well as meaningful as compare to the city life. A farmer whom frost describes in his poem have a unique perspective on the world as well as certain sense of honor and duty in terms of their work and their community.Frost has always find metaphysical meaning in everyday tasks & explores relation between mankind and Nature. With the help of rural life and farming communities that he express in his poem.

Pastoral element:

     Frost has spent time in New England. So most of the scenes are inspired from specific location in new England. He does not present stereotypical pastoral themes like sheep and shepherd and all. But he focuses on the dramatic struggles that occur within the nature world as one that inspires deep metaphysical thought in the individuals who are exposed to it. Frost use Nature as central character of the poetry rather than background of the poem. Examples From frost’s poem

Here are some of the examples of his poetry in which Nature is prominent.

                 'Stooping by woods on a snowy Evening'

           The title of the poem itself suggest that the poem is about Nature. At the opening of the poem poet mentions that
                          “whose woods are these”
Narrator likes to sit and watch. He is attracted by the beauty of snowy woods. So, he stops there. In the second stanza frost refer back to the woods. He also likes ice because he brings ice and cold up a lot in this poem.

In the last stanza

                “The woods are lovely, dark and deep”

This lines clearly shows that narrator has attracted towards beauty of Nature

                      ‘Miles to go before I sleep’ 

Even though the narrator has long journey he stops and observes the beauty of woods. This shows interest of frost in Nature. One thing also noticeable that is characters are also lover and appreciator of Nature.
                                   "Fire & Ice"

               In this poem poet presents two natural element Fire & Ice. Both are opposite to each other but important for human beings. They both are projection of human emotion.


                                Ice= Hate
This poem is about two opposite views. One who says that world will end in Fire and other says world will end in Ice.
                                        Mending wall 

In mending wall, Nature applies to teach lesson to mankind when Nature damages the wall two neighbors are brought together. Frost had a
Love-hate relationship with Mother Nature

In this poem poet has used Nature. He changes his view from woods to water. Here he saw how powerful Nature is when it eats away the cliff.
                                        The Tuft Of Flowers
Once again in this poem Nature has been expressed with the help of grass, mowing in the lawn and listen to the breeze with the eyes of speaker. This explains the lawn mower and what it was doing to the flowers. Frost rise and fall is in the flowers as shown in his expert. The withering of flower representing his fall and the resting flowers represents the rise of his feelings. so, here he represents rising and falling action with the help of flower
After Apple Picking

          In this poem and aged man worked harvesting apples throughout his life. in the smell of the apple. We can realize the old man’s of his apple orchard.
                  So, we can say that beauty of Nature is very well experienced and expressed by frost. Frost is known most for his poem contains nature, one way or another and this is the main themes that he uses.
Nature As Teacher
                A person has to depend upon nature to survive in this world. Robert frost tries synthesizes the human and the nature through language, imagination and metaphor. Frost presents something familiar with us but yet he also presents something familiar with us but yet he also presents complexity and contrast as well as.
         By concluding we can say that he is an excellent observer of Nature. Frost’s poem reflects deep appreciation of natural world. So we can easily follow deeper meaning without any objection. Frost recognized the boundaries of man and nature. His poetry is an evidence of man’s relation with nature.

Gender Bias in Temple

Respected sir,             Here is my response on article regarding Gender Bias.    Yes, i am agree that temples are gender Bias. i...