Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Gender Bias in Temple

Respected sir,
            Here is my response on article regarding Gender Bias.
Yes, i am agree that temples are gender Bias. if we talk about religion there is no equality among male & Female. Certain rules and regulations women has to follow

​One of  them is women are not allowed in the temples for example in the temple of Shani shignapur temple, Dargah of Haji Ali. In Islam also women are not allowed in mosque. There are also instruction  for women that she has to cover her body before entering in to the temple, Gurudvara or mosque.

​she could not wear sleeveless or short clothes. I don't think so that God has any problem with clothing of the women. There is no connection between clothing & prayer than why all the Dhrama guru made this nonsense type rules only for women😈. All this rules and regulations are made by society and this society is itself patriarchal👿👿. so obviously it has problem with freedom of women. 
Why this kinds of rules are only for women.
    'The God or Temple will not become impure if women enters in to the temple. '
           ' God is above all the belief '
There is no law that prevents women to any temple. if you allow men, then you should allow women whatever she wanted to do. It is the right of the women.
Thank you!!!!!!!!
Movie Review on Life of pi
The movie opens with the scene of zoo.Beautiful imagery of nature is shown in the opening of the movie.After this scene there is a village of epondicheri. where the narrator and story teller both were talking piscine patel and the canadian reminisces talked about childhood in india. piscine’s father is the owner of a zoo in pondichery.Pi describes how he got the name ‘pi’.His uncle gave him this name.in school classmates teases him by calling him ‘pissing’.one day he taught a lesson to all of them and he become
                           ‘pi patel a legend’
Pi asked to narrator why he came to india from caneda and he replied that
‘You have a most incredible story to tell’ that         ‘Make me believe in God’
               And then he agree to tell his story.He said that he raised in hindu family and he is the follower of Hindu,christion and muslim.He belived that Hinduism introduced him with ‘God’
I came to faith through Hinduism and he found God’s love through christ.His father suggest him that you are beliving in all the three religion is the wrong thing.we must follow any one religion with reason.In between Narrator and pi talked about religion.Pi said to Narrator that
‘Faith is the house with a many rooms but no room for doubt’
              Doubt is useful it keeps faith in living faith.we cannot know the strength of yourself until faith tested. After this talked another hero of
                           ‘Richard Parker’
It’s not a name of a person but he is
                          ‘Bengali Tiger’
Pi wants to became friend of him.so he gave him piece of chicken to him.At that time his father his father arrived and said to him that
                 ‘He is a animal, Not a playmate’ Pi thought that animals have souls but his father said that
    Animals do not think like we do,when you see in his saw in his eyes you saw your own reflection.
          During the emergency of india his father decides to sell the zoo and emigrates to caneda.His family aboard the Tsimtstum, a japanese freighter that is transporting animals from their zoo to north america.The ship encounter strom and sink.Pi lost his entire family along with the animals.He manages to escape in a small life boat.Than he come to come to know that boat also holds a sported hyena,zebra and orange juice.Hyena kills zebra and orange juice.At that time he found that Tiger has been hiding under the boat’s tarpallin and that is Richard Parker a Bengali Tiger.He kills hyena because of his hunger.Only two person left in island.Richard parker and pi.
              ‘ God I gave myself to you I am your vessel whatever comes I wanted to know show me’.
In our hard times we call God for our help.it gives us a strength to face the situation.With the help of sea guide he has been tried to survive  in that ocene along with Richard Parker.He always keep himself busy.one of the best thing he has learnt that
                        ‘Don’t lose hope’
Hope is best weapon to face any problem.it keep us alive to survive .Here in this case pi’s hope lies in Richard parker.As there is saying in Gujrati
          ‘Sath in jarur badha ne padvani ekla bhagwan thi pan notu rehvyu’
                To survive in this world we need acompany and Richard parker is only company for him.some small things like pencil,Bucket a knief is  greatest treasure for him.Richard parker and pi both were raised by the same master and that is pi’s father.They are orphaned and faced other ultimate master.pi said that ‘without Richard parker I would have died by now,my fear for him keeps me alive.Tending to parker’s needs gives his purpose.Above all he don’t lose hope.and when he was beyond all hope of saving.

Gender Bias in Temple

Respected sir,             Here is my response on article regarding Gender Bias.    Yes, i am agree that temples are gender Bias. i...